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Creator : Yaakov Lurkov

Embassador : Polinn Blakovich

This website is own by the U.S.S.R government since 1985. The information found on this website should not be plagiarized nor copied by an external website not affiliated with soviet government.

More seriously this website is only made for fun purpose. I do not try to be taken as a real old russian government website a.k.a the Soviet Union. Woah what am i even talking about? I don't know but for real this website isn't really gonna be about the soviet stuff it is more about my own stuff... So sorry about the dispointment but i love trolling people sometime in a while hehe.

This website is not copyrighted, but please do not use a thing from this website, without accreditation, uh i mean without crediting the website.

Real Creator : Nào Shì Mîn